Wednesday, November 21, 2012

metaphors of vision

imagine an eye unruled by manmade laws of perspective...
- stan brakhage

Sunday, November 18, 2012

obstruction 5

it is only in that instant when the laws are silent that great actions erupt.
- marquis de sade

Saturday, October 27, 2012

some architecture collage examples...

these might fit best into a piranesi drawing...  [more here]

these ones are just cool... [more here]

Monday, October 22, 2012

belief in the age of disbelief

a collage approach, an approach in which objects are conscripted or seduced from out of their context, is –at present day– the only way of dealing with the ultimate problems of, either or both, utopia and tradition… — Colin Rowe and Fred Koetter, Collage City

cyprien gaillard, belief in the age of disbelief

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

insertions into ideological circuits

these objects are only relics. the work itself has no materiality. and it is ephemeral. it only exists when someone is interacting with it.
– cildo meireles, "interview"

montage and simultaneous presence. to redo the whole design every time. the instrument is the distracted gaze. the gaze which follows your head as it turns to talk to someone at your side or that looks for someplace to rest. it resembles the zig-zag of a fly buzzing about the middle of a room. the distracted gaze fixes these points and reconstructs a conjunctive fabric. there are no transitions.

– enric miralles, "el Interior de un bolsillo"

... the fortuitous encounter of an umbrella and a sewing machine on an operating table.

Рcomte de lautr̩amont

[more examples here]

libeskind, student work 1
libeskind, student work 2

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

on seeing

and see, and no longer blinded by our eyes.
- rupert brooke

discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.
- marcel proust

vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.
- jonathan swift

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

flip-flop house

… to locate the promising marginal text, to disclose the undecidable moment, to pry it loose with the positive lever of the signifier, to reverse the resident hierarchy, only to displace it; to dismantle in order to reconstitute what is always already inscribed. 
— Gayatri Chakrovorty Spivak, “Translators Preface for Of Grammatology

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

drawing examples...

here are some more drawing examples...

(this one here is from my friend, heather woofter's studio at washington university in st. louis)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

how to draw a croissant...

There is a pleasure in drawing, in letting the hand, like an abstract instrument, gather on the page what the eye is selecting. There is a secret correspondence between the final point of the gaze and the point of the pen on the sheet of paper … It is easy to confuse these marks with writing.
- Enric Miralles

more here...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sunday, September 9, 2012

long... thin...

how thin can you get? can you fit it between two buildings?

here is an example in brazil...

maybe its just as thin as this? with its programs shown on as voids on the exterior...

at the edge of the site/city?

maybe its a wall house? like the ones that john hedjuk designed based on corbusian principles?

or, a casa chorizo like in argentina?

its also interesting to see what they look like from above

florence's ponte vecchio

rio's pedregulho

or gavea...

and, of course, kaspe's humanities building 300m long...!

rome's corviale

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

exercises in style

raymond queneau's retelling of the same simple story... an exercise in seeing the possibilities of systems, styles, and forms... 

download part of it here...

book making...

these examples can be used as signatures for a larger/longer book...

Saturday, September 1, 2012

drawing and writing...

Cover of Exercises in ArchitectureCover of Exercises in ArchitectureCover of Exercises in Architecture

simon unwin's notebooks...
click here for download page

clara nubiola (and the "rutas inciertas")...
click here for more

and the choices were...

Mies van der Rohe, Hubbe House project (1933)

Adolf Loos, Josephine Baker House project (1928)

Le Corbusier, Curutchet House (1952)

Lina Bo Bardi, Glass House (1951)

Paolo Mendes da Rocha, Mendes da Rocha House (1960)

Josep Sostres, Moratiel House [MMI] (1955-57)

Smiljan Radic, Casa Pite (2003-2005)

Juan O’Gorman, Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo Studio (1932)


Solano Benítez, Casa Abu & Font (2005-2006)